[FIX] Problems logging into Plesk because of IP restrictions

  • Parallels Plesk Panel for Windows


There’s a problem loging into  Plesk with the following error:
"Access for administrator from address xx.xx.xx.xx is restricted in accordance with IP Access restriction policy currently applied."


It means that Plesk IP access policy was configured in such a way that  Plesk cannot be accessed from the current IP. To enable Plesk CP access one needs to login to Plesk Control Panel locally and change IP access policy. It can be done the following way:

Plesk,Server, Personal information section, Access, Remove necessary IP address/subnet/network

If localhost is also blocked and it is impossible to login to Plesk even locally, the Plesk database records regarding access policy need to be corrected. To retrieve the current policy and restricted/allowed IPs the following commands can be used:

"%plesk_bin%\dbclient" --direct-sql --sql="select * from cp_access"

"%plesk_bin%\dbclient" --direct-sql --sql="select * from misc where param='access_policy'";

To clear the access policy settings remove all the records from the "cp_access" table and set policy to "allow":

"%plesk_bin%\dbclient" --direct-sql --sql="delete * from cp_access";
"%plesk_bin%\dbclient" --direct-sql --sql="update misc set val='allow' where param='access_policy'";

After that, access to Plesk should be available.


I cannot login to Plesk CP. I get: "Access for administrator from address xx.xx.xx.xx is restricted in accordance with IP Access restriction policy currently applied."


  • Parallels Plesk Panel for Linux/Unix


It means that Plesk IP access policy was configured in such a way that
you cannot login to Plesk from your current IP. To enable Plesk CP
access you have to login to the server via SSH and change IP access
policy in the 'psa' database. To find current policy and
restricted/allowed IPs use the following commands:

# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` psa
mysql> select * from cp_access;
mysql> select * from misc where param='access_policy';

If you wish to clear access policy settings remove all records from "cp_access" and set policy to "allow":

# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` psa
mysql> delete from cp_access;
mysql> update misc set val="allow" where param='access_policy';


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